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Wiki ID: 17
Author: insurgus
Revision ID: 38
Revision Date: 12-09-19
Assembly Guides
Assembling Limit Switches
Belting the Gantry
Drill and Counterbore a Voron bed
Gantry Assembly Guide
Hard Wiring Raspberry Pi USB Pads
How to Use a Pt100 Thermistor w/ Skr Boards
How to modify 20T pulleys
Installing the Gantry
Measuring Vref and Setting Current
Mosquito Hotend & Quickchange Toolhead Assembly
Pre-Assembly Checklist
RAMPS 24v Conversion
Repack Linear Rail Carriages
Setup PT100 w/ SKR Mini e3 v1.2 (V0)
V6 Hotend Assembly & Heater Safety
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