Guide on how to add light bars and configue them for use with Klipper. This assumes you have a working printer with Klipper installed and the printer able to move. It also assumes you have a decent knowledge of working with the Klipper configuration files and basic wiring.
Mount your LED light bars with whatever mounts you choose.
Make sure the wires exit the bars at the BACK of the printer
Your mounts may vary so it is up to you to determine how they mount.
Run the wires out the back of the printer by either:
Drilling 1-2 holes in the back panel and feeding them through
Drilling hole in exhaust fan housing
Connect wires in parallel. Connect both +V wires together as well as both Gnd wires.
Extend the group wires long enough to reach the underside of the machine.
Connect the light-bar to the screw terminal labeled D8 on MCU-1 (X-Y-E)
Open up your `printer.cfg` and add the following section:
[output_pin caselight] pin: **PIN** pwm: True value: 0.1 cycle_time: 0.001 hardware_pwm: True
Replace **PIN** with your pin number below
Ramps 1.4 : ar8
SKR 1.3 : P2.5
The name "caselight" is built into the Klipper 'control' menu and already contains a menu option for setting the brightness.
Manual Control can be had with the following commands:
SET_PIN PIN=caselight VALUE=0
SET_PIN PIN=caselight VALUE=xxx
SET_PIN PIN=caselight VALUE=255