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  1. Open your printer.cfg file
    • Open your printer.cfg file

    • Find the [printer] section and modify max_z_velocity: 25 to max_z_velocity: 15

    • Issue a firmware_restart in the OctoPrint terminal.

  2. If using a ramps board, ensure the VREF of your Z stepper drivers is set to .98V
    • If using a ramps board, ensure the VREF of your Z stepper drivers is set to .98V

    • You must have active cooling on your stepper drivers, or you may have issues with missed steps.

    • If using an SKR with 2209 drivers, set your UART current to 1.0

  3. Decide on one Z belt for your reference. Tension it by feel to where you want it. These can be a bit tighter than your XY belts, but you don't have to go crazy.
    • Decide on one Z belt for your reference. Tension it by feel to where you want it. These can be a bit tighter than your XY belts, but you don't have to go crazy.

    • Pluck the outer belt as a sound reference.

    • Set the remaining 3 belts using this tone as a reference. Come back to it often, plucking the reference belt and checking the remaining 3 belts, adjusting as required.

    • Ensure all retaining bolts are secured.

  4. Loosen but do not remove the 3 M3 bolts holding your bed down.
    • Loosen but do not remove the 3 M3 bolts holding your bed down.

    • Loosen but do not remove the 8 bolts that hold the OpenBuilds corner brackets to the extrusions.

    • Heat your bed to 105C for 30 minutes.

    • Carefully lift and drop the build plate to seat the extrusions. 3 or 4 times is more than adequate.

    • Tighten the build plate M3 screws while still hot.

    • Tighten the bolts that hold the OpenBuilds corner brackets to the extrusions.

  5. With the motors off, move the gantry all the way forward so the extrusions hit the front idlers.
    • With the motors off, move the gantry all the way forward so the extrusions hit the front idlers.

    • Check each side to make sure there is no play between the idler and the extrusion. You should not be able to pinch either side and have it move.

    • If one side does have play in it, tighten the belts on the same side front idler.

    • Move the gantry all the way to the rear, and all the way forward again. Recheck the gap and adjust as required until the gantry hits both idlers equally.

  6. Start by printing a 5 cube grid. You can download the Visual Method Cube here.
    • Start by printing a 5 cube grid. You can download the Visual Method Cube here.

    • Arrange the cubes as per the help image. You want a center cube, and one on each of the 4 corners.

    • Print this test using the first cube as a first layer reference. You can adjust your layer height until that center cube prints the way you want it, and then continue to allow the other 4 to print to verify if your machine is now printing properly.

  7. If this guide wasn't enough to get you printing, check the community Discord and ask in #voron_v2_build-help
    • If this guide wasn't enough to get you printing, check the community Discord and ask in #voron_v2_build-help

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